About Lake Anderson
Lake History and Info
In 1966, private access Lake Anderson in Allyn, WA was reclaimed from spring fed marshes by the LakeLand real estate developers by constructing a 21-foot-high earthen dam. 525 acres of the Village drain to the lake which then drains to wild Coho Salmon-bearing Sherwood Creek flowing into Puget Sound. The open roadside ditches throughout LakeLand Village are purposely designed to reduce unfiltered run-off going into the lake.
Is it Lake Anderson or Anderson Lake? The state and county officially recognize the name as "Lake Anderson."
Lake Anderson data (from a 2006 County report on LakeLand Village Storm Drainage):
Surface area: 45-acres
Volume: 370 acre feet
Mean depth: 8.4 feet
Max depth: 16 feet
Shoreline: 2.2 miles
Length excluding canal: 0.5 miles
Length including canal 0.67 miles
Run-off: 475 acre feet
Groundwater: 338 acre feet
Rainfall: 201 acre feet
Sherwood Creek: 904 acre feet
Evaporation: 110 acre feet
Lake Links
Some of Our Lake Inhabitants
These common creatures are native and beneficial to the lake:
Leeches - yes we have leeches (native to most lakes), but don't worry
Will post more soon, but please refrain from feeding ducks or putting food in the water:
See the resources page for invasive and native plant info
Boats, Fish and Fishing
Fish found in our lake:
Rainbow Trout - native species, stocked annually
Largemouth Bass - non-native introduced species, sustainable but not stocked
Fishing rules from LLVCC Rules and Regulations:
"Members, family members, guests and tenants are allowed to fish on the lake, in the canal and from the three fishing docks mentioned above. No fishing license is required. There shall be no fishing from or within 25 feet of the two swim docks mentioned above; this rule is to prevent a swimmer from being entangled in lost fishing gear. The limit on fish catch is three (3) fish per day per person. All fishermen are encouraged to practice catch and release using barbless hooks. Placing, depositing, or chumming with fish eggs, roe, corn or any other substance for the attracting, collecting or catching of fish is prohibited. Fishing with an unattended line in the lake or canal is prohibited."
From LLVCC Rules and Regulations:
"...Boats shall be propelled by electric motors or manual power only. The entire lake and canal are “no wake” zones for the safety of the members and guests. Internal combustion motors are not permitted on the lake except during lake treatment by authorized personnel..."
The Future
Today Lake Anderson is seeing accelerated shoreline degradation and loss of native trees and vegetation. Reduced shade warms the shallow water, as increased unfiltered run-off allows toxins and fertilizer into the lake, fueling algae and curly-leaf pondweed growth.
Our lake is aging; excessive weeds, algae and clippings rot and accumulate, making the lake shallower, smaller and mucky. Loss of shoreline function and erosion further adds sediment. We can create an environment where invasive weeds are naturally suppressed, so we'll be able to reduce the amount of herbicides used. With almost all of the approximately 100 lake and canal front parcels developed, the ongoing health and usability of the lake along with property value protection requires responsible shoreline care and lake management.