Updates on Sewage Spill of June 25th, 2022:
Lake & Beach Re-Opened July 1st, 2022
Email #2 from LLVCC to community members, June 30, 2022:
Lake will open Friday afternoon, July 1st
We're very pleased to announce the lake and public beach will be open Friday afternoon, July 1st, as directed by Mason County.
The sewage spill was confirmed to be relatively small and subsequent testing showed very clean water in all locations tested. LLVCC has been in constant communication with the County throughout this matter, and appreciates their efforts. Mason County is making progress in working toward a permanent solution to sewer overflows, and the board will continue to advocate for this.
For more information about our lake and how to keep it clean, be sure to visit www.LakeAnderson.org.
Happy Independence Day!
LLVCC Board of Directors
Mason County Commissioner's Office News Release

Email #1 from LLVCC to community members, June 30, 2022:
Lake Closure Update
The lake remains closed and we anticipate it being opened on Saturday July 2nd, we will confirm before that. Some of you may have seen a Mason County statement stating the lake will open on Friday, but it appears they made an error on dates - we are seeking clarification before we can re-open.
We are also awaiting Mason County water testing; they tested for ammonia, fecal coliform and e-coli. LLVCC has tested for fecal coliform and the results were very encouraging and indicative of a small spill.
Thank you for your patience and please await our final word for the lake and beach reopening.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
LakeLand Village Community Club
Mason County Leadership Meeting on Lake Anderson Sewage Spill
Email from LLVCC to community members, June 27, 2022:
Subject: Update on Recent Sewage Spill into Lake Anderson
The health of Lake Anderson is one of the board's top priorities. As a designated critical area and subject to the state's Shoreline Management Act and Mason County's Shoreline Management Program, the board and community members have a responsibility to treat this resource with great care and in accordance with the law.
This latest sewage spill is extremely disappointing and frustrating for all of us. LLVCC board members and staff reacted immediately and have been in contact with Mason County, the Department of Ecology and WDFW and have received quick and productive responses. We have taken several water tests and they are at the lab for processing.
As soon as the board became aware of only a single pump being in place, we lobbied Mason County leadership for a second pump to be installed. They agreed and we were told a second pump was purchased. Since then we have learned of supplier delays in delivering an electrical device required to make it work properly. This latest spill appears to have been a different electrical problem that would have shut down both pumps had two been in place.
LakeLand residents pay Mason County for a sewer system that is unreliable and poses environmental risk to the community. We should all expect a lake safe from sewage spills and we continue to strongly advocate for that. The board is actively engaged with the appropriate people at Mason County and will update you on the water quality, spill impact and next steps being taken as soon as we have the information.
At this time the lake remains closed but we are hopeful the closure will be short. Residents will receive an email from LLVCC when the lake is reopened.