Lake Weeds
Invasive and Noxious Lake and Shore Weeds
These plants negatively impact our lake, interfering with recreation, inhibiting native species and creating muck.
Curlyleaf Pondweed. Invasive from Asia, the most prevalent and disruptive weed in the lake, makes swimming and fishing difficult.
These are chemically treated professionally under permit, but residents raking the whole plant out of the lake really helps! LEARN MORE.
Yellow Flag Iris. Pretty yellow flowers, but a stubborn invasive weed that can take over.
Pull when young or carefully dig out mature plants minimizing shore disturbance. Make sure to get the whole rhizome and destroy seed pods! Always replace with native plants (or Reed Canarygrass will move in like a bad neighbor).
Reed Canarygrass. Tall grass that crowds out beneficial native shore plants.
These are pulled quite easily, make sure to get the roots (rhizomes ) and don't let them get to seed.
White Water Lily, or Fragrant Waterlily. A non-native lily and lily pad.
These are treated in the lake professionally, but go grab the flower before it spreads seeds!
Native Shore Species to Encourage and Plant
These plants look great, are easy to care for, protect the shore from toxic run off and erosion and provide vital habitat to birds and frogs.
Common Rush / Soft Rush. Easy to maintain native rush grows in saturated soil. Vital for maintaining shore and water integrity - a natural filter and better than a bulkhead.
Slough Sedge. Attractive perenial native shore plant that looks great year round.
Red-osier Dogwood. Hardy plant thrives in moist soil on the shore in sun or shade. Easily pruned and controlled. Attracts birds and butterflies, excellent erosion protection.
Nootka Rose. Perfect for moist soil near the shore as part of the buffer. Beautiful wild rose with pink flowers.
Aquatic and Shoreline Weed Info
Must read before removing lake and shore weeds: Aquatic Plant Removal and Control Guide from WA Dept of Fish Wildlife (pdf)
Identify noxious weeds including aquatics NWCB Weed Search
WDFW: Aquatic Invasive Species
Dept. of Ecology: Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants
Dept. of Ecology: Is a harmful algae bloom coming to a lake near you?
Lake weed herbicide treatment happened on April 20, 2022 - read notice here
Properly remove Curlyleaf Pondweed
The professional herbicide treatments done in our lake can only do so much. Manual removal will significantly boost the effectiveness of the annual chemical treatments:
Read and have this guide on hand when removing noxious lake weeds (it serves as your WDFW permit): Rules for Aquatic Plant Removal (pdf)
Get a weed rake. Make sure it PULLS weeds and roots out and doesn't just cut them. Remove the weeds from the lake, leaving them will make the problem worse. "Weed razor" rakes are not suitable.